Useful information about the islands


Regularly, we shall  propose you files and articles, which will enable you, to know and understand better the specificities of the various islands.

We shall also deal with more practical information for your journeys on the islands, before, during or after your stay.

The main matters approached in this section, are the following ones :

  • Health in the islands : You will find useful information about the sanitary conditions on the islands, the medical precautions to be taken and many other subjects. 
  • Regulations & Travel rights : this section informs you about your rights as a traveler and the recourses possibilities in case of disputes.
  • Warnings & Safety : This section is very important when you plan your journey. We communicate you the warning reports expressed by various governmental institutions, as well as the safety situation on the various islands.
  • Islands weather : besides the meteorological phenomena explanatory files, we hope to be able to give you soon, the possibility of consult the weather situation in the islands.
  • Traveling with kids : to travel on islands with your children, is mostly well-to-do. Nevertheless, it is always preferable to plan such journeys in advance, and to do this, you can use the advices in this section. 
  • Disabled travelers : most of the islands have specific welcome infrastructures for disabled travelers. Please , do not hesitate any more, take advantage of the islands and if you still have doubts, consult our information files.
  • Traveling with a pet : We misadvise to travel far with pet. But you can still discovering islands near your home. To do so, we give you some advices.
  • Islands civilizations : To enjoy and to understand the islands which you visit, it is always useful to know the basis of their cultures and ways of life. 
  • Islands habits and customs : each culture has its specificities and it can be useful to know what to do and what not to do in the various islands. 
  • Tips & Tools : in this section, you will find useful advices which can simplify your journeys.


Furthermore, we have added to this section, some data bases, which can help you when you plan your journeys :

  • List of embassies and consulates : by using this data base, you can obtain the list and the coordinates of the embassies and consulates of your home country, on a given island. Conversely, you can obtain the list of the embassies and the consulates of an island in your home country. 
  • List of tourism offices : by using this data base, you can obtain the list and the coordinates of all tourist information offices of the islands, either on the spot, or in your home country. 
  • List of Internet Cafes : it's always useful to contact his family or to consult his messages, that's why, we set up a list of the Internet Cafes, in the various islands.
  • List of the islands public holidays : to consult the dates of the various festivities on the islands, nothing is more easier with this data base. 




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